('$exp_enable_new_recipe_book_tabs' is set to true by default.) A dialog will show up in start screen to warn you if you set them incorrectly.
If you play on version 1.20.10 and newer, you need to keep '$exp_enable_new_recipe_book_tabs' enabled, otherwise the game will crash. Notice: Although this versions supports v1.19.80 or higher, if you play Minecraft on version 1.20.1 and older, you must manually disable this new experimental flag '$exp_enable_new_recipe_book_tabs' that can be found in /ui/_global_variables.json because if you kept the variable enabled, you would see tabs inside inventory screen are missing while using Classic UI profile.
Minimum Minecraft version required: v1.19.80 (Recommended v1.20.10) 1.19.80 & BEYOND 1.20 COMPATIBILITY HOTFIXĪfter about 7 months, I'm back to release another (but very critical) hotfix update to address and fix a lot of bugs, including a bug in inventory screen that make the game crash and unplayable on v1.20.10 or higher, players were unhappy because of this bug, and I need to quickly patch it as soon as possible, with many other bug fixes and more accessibility features.